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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!


This revised Motdoku6 features the following thematic vocabulary. 1 les chocolats 2 Cupidon 3 le bouquet 4 l’amitié 5 février 6 mon petit coeur
Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way (2019)

This Easter “How Touching” puzzle is a bit like Boggle. This is a five-minute filler for English teachers. I’ve included mini B & W puzzle grids for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopy costs.
En commençant par la fin: LES VÊTEMENTS (version junior)

En commençant par la fin: LES VÊTEMENTS (version junior)

La fin de chaque mot dans ce mini-cercle vicieux est aussi le début d'un nouveau mot. Comme dans un mots croisés, les lettres sont toutes représentées en majuscules sans accents. Un mot accentué peut donc croiser un mot qui ne l'est pas. Fais la ronde. Combien de mots qui se chevauchent peux-tu y trouver?
FRENCH GAME: Joyeuses Pâques!

FRENCH GAME: Joyeuses Pâques!

C’est touchant ressemble un peu à Boggle™.) This C’est Touchant! puzzle for Easter is a Boggle™ with a twist. Embedded in the game grid are 8 French words on the Pâques theme and 70 more general vocabulary words. The file includes • a “how to play” guide • a full colour puzzle • 4 small B&W copies of the grid for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopying costs • a thematic vocabulary  • the answer key Because the English version of the game, Hippity, Hoppity, Easter’s on its Way, has been warmly received, this French version has been on my “to do” list forever. Thank you for your patience. La fiche, Comment jouer, explique les règles du jeu en français.
A tiny Hallowe'en rebus

A tiny Hallowe'en rebus

Thanks to their texting skills, today’s students intuit the principle behind rebus puzzles but I’ve included a “how to” guide nonetheless. To extend the lesson, ask your students to create a rebus of their own. If you’d like me to make a rebus on a specific theme, please let me know.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Santa's Resolutions 2020

LANGUAGE ARTS: Santa's Resolutions 2020

Santa’s Resolutions for 2020 is an exemplar of a New Year’s activity. I couldn’t resist making a list of resolutions on Santa’s behalf. It will give your students some ideas, a laugh and an opportunity to try their hand by filling in resolutions 9, 10, 11 and 12. Note: This is not a new resource but an update of the resolutions that I’ve been posting since 2012.
Motdoku6 (L'action de Grâce)

Motdoku6 (L'action de Grâce)

Ce MOTDOKU simplifié met en valeur le vocabulaire ci-dessous. This MOTDOKU6 is a simplified version of my 9 x9 word sudokus. Students are challenged to slot the expressions below into the grid. 1 la tarte à la citrouille 2 partager 3 la dinde 4 la famille 5 la corne d’abondance 6 l’automne Joyeuse Action de grâce à tout le monde!
Les mots coupés (Jour du Souvenir)

Les mots coupés (Jour du Souvenir)

In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute words that have been broken into pieces and scattered over the game grid in order to find “l’intrus”. Si vous voulez prolonger la leçon, demandez à vos élèves d’écrire un paragraphe au sujet du Jour du Souvenir qui comprend tous les mots coupés et l’intrus. Les mots coupés sont: 1 honneur (m.) 2 clairon (m.) 3 soldat (m.) 4 fusil (m.) 5 silence (m.) 6 combat (m.) 7 devoir (m.) 8 prière (f.) 9 héros (m.) 10 tranchée (f.) 11 obus (m.) 12 courage (m.) L’intrus: PAIX (f.)
Le jour du souvenir (Imagique)

Le jour du souvenir (Imagique)

Pour déchiffrer les mots cachés dans ce mots croisés visuel, écris la première lettre de la première image dans sa case dans la petite grille. (Attention! Dans un mots croisés les accents sont ignorés.) Continue de cette façon pour toutes les images et tu découvriras un nouveau mot.
Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, 14 ans, traverse le lac Ontario

Annaleise, une adolescente de 14 ans, vient de traverser le lac Ontario à la nage. Not sure how much general interest there would be in a story like this on your side of the pond but it will work for teachers looking for 'girl power' affirmation stories for the French classroom. BTW, Annaleise covered 52 kilometres so this is comparable to a Channel swim. I am curious to know if you and / or your students find this interesting so would appreciate any feedback. Joyeuse rentrée.
Using TV transcripts in the TL

Using TV transcripts in the TL

Many students are reluctant to speak in the target language. Using the transcripts of popular commercials and children’s television shows, this activity builds their confidence and enthusiasm for speaking in French. • First, have the class view the whole video. • Then, assign short segments of the (tran)script to small groups of students. • Each group will listen and rehearse their lines carefully because on the second screening of the full video, the sound will be muted and they will be providing the soundtrack. (I usually schedule the second viewing a week after the first screening.) • Especially creative and motivated classes should be encouraged to include sound effects and/or background music. This file includes transcripts for videos about Halloween, l’Action de Grâce, Noël and le patin à glace. I’ve included suggestions for extending the lesson for both Immersion and Core French programmes.te
Poussin piou,a ridiculously infectious little song

Poussin piou,a ridiculously infectious little song

Thanks to MFL Resources, I discovered this clip last night. It has been going round in my head ever since so I thought I'd share the insanity. A bit like a pop version of 'Old MacDonald had a farm', it will work with young children and teenagers. (Even K4s or maybe, especially K4s who need a laugh.) Included are preteaching / presinging visuals and links to the karaoke and Gangnam (!) versions as well as to a bare bones parody that might inspire older students to make a clip of their own. Please, if they do, let me know. This is an updated version of the file as two of the original links had become unresponsive.
FRENCH: Futur simple flip cards

FRENCH: Futur simple flip cards

FLIPPING GRAMMAR flash cards Online flash cards are a great tool but my students prefer the social interaction of playing / learning with actual cards! This file includes a set of mini-cards to help students master regular verbs and irregular verbs in the future simple, a second set in business card format, a “how to play” guide and a little bonus. Individuals can work through these Flipping Grammar cards in class at their own pace as remedial or enrichment work. Or they can take home a deck until they’ve mastered the futur simple tense. However, Flipping Grammar sparks a lot of joy as a game for two. And you can extend the lesson by using the answers as mini-dictées. Just print, cut and go. QUESTIONS TYPES Tu _______ la pizza dans le four pour 30 minutes. mettre Ton robot _____ uniquement à ta voix. obéir Youpi! Nous ______ enfin à Disneyland! aller Selon Amazon vous _______ votre commande demain. recevoir Le jeu de cartes éclair FLIPPING GRAMMAR Sur un côté de chaque carte, on trouve la question [imprimée en noir] et l’infinitif à conjuguer au futur simple. La réponse [imprimée en rouge] se trouve de l’autre côté de la carte. Bien sûr que les cartes éclair virtuelles aident à mémoriser le vocabulaire et les conjugaisons difficiles. Mais mes étudiants préfèrent de loin de jouer avec de vraies cartes et de vrais camarades de classe! Avec les cartes éclair FLIPPING GRAMMAR, ils peuvent toujours réviser individuellement dans la salle de classe ou chez eux mais ils peuvent aussi jouer avec un partenaire et apprendre sous forme de jeu. Vous trouverez ici des cartes pour travailler le futur simple des verbes irréguliers, des cartes pour travailler le futur simple des verbes irréguliers et un petit guide de jeu.
French: résolutions pour 2024

French: résolutions pour 2024

Les résolutions du Père Noël 2024 is an exemplar of a New Year’s activity. I couldn’t resist making a list of resolutions on behalf of Petit Papa Noël. It will give your students some ideas, a laugh or two (I hope) and an opportunity to try their hand by filling in resolutions 2 and 1. Note: This is not a new resource but an update of the resolutions that I’ve been posting since 2012.


This variation on the old SNAKES AND LADDERS board game will ease your students (and you!) back into work mode. It requires students to read, listen, and pronounce carefully in French. And to be creative! Voici le bon vieux jeu de société, SERPENTS ET ÉCHELLES, réinventé pour adoucir la rentrée (qui arrive toujours trop vite pour les enfants . . . et les profs). Le jeu demande aux étudiants de lire et écouter attentivement, de bien prononcer les textes et de faire preuve de créativité!
Le vocabulaire de Noël illustré et prononcé

Le vocabulaire de Noël illustré et prononcé

In this videoclip, the following Christmas vocabulary is modeled slowly and timed to allow your students to repeat each expression. l’arbre de Noël / le sapin le bas de Noël le bonhomme de neige la boule de Noël / la décoration la bûche de Noël le cadeau / la surprise la canne de Noël le casse-noisette les chandelles (f.) le chant de Noël les choristes (m.) de Noël / les chanteurs (m.) de Noël les cloches (f.) la couronne la crèche la dinde l’église l’étoile (f.) le gâteau aux fruits le gui le houx les jeux (m.) les jouets (m.) le lait de poule les lumières de Noël (f.) le lutin la magie de Noël la neige le pain d’épice la paix le papier d’emballage la papillote de Noël / le pétard de Noël le Père Noël le poinsettia / l’étoile de Noël (f.) le pôle nord le renne les rois (m.) Mages le traîneau la veille de Noël le vitrail You can download it; here’s the YouTube link: https://youtu.be/DkgPfJXTlzA The same vocabulary is the basis for the activity, QU’EST-CE QUI MANQUE ICI (NOËL): https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12942690
Mes cadeaux de Noël (2 games + audio file + transcript)

Mes cadeaux de Noël (2 games + audio file + transcript)

Audio-lingua’s short recording of seven-year-old Ethan joyfully listing his cadeaux de Noël inspired these 2 disparate games. In ZIPLINE PHRASES, students work in teams to build sentences by connecting any two dialogue balls directly linked by a straight line. Each ball may be used only once per sentence. All sentences must be (relatively) logical! MDR! The game encourages students to think in context and speak and write complete sentences. It also offers a built-in homework opportunity BLOCS DE CONSTRUCTION is another sentence-building game. The “blocs” can be cut out and used as manipulatives or your students can work directly from the printable. An annotated transcript of the clip is included in both files. https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8484 Joyeuses fêtes, tout le monde!
LE NOUVEL AN CHINOIS (Un jeu qui ressemble un peu à Boggle™.)

LE NOUVEL AN CHINOIS (Un jeu qui ressemble un peu à Boggle™.)

This "C’est Touchant!” puzzle for Le Nouvel An Chinois is a Boggle™ with a twist. Embedded in the game grid are 11 French words on the theme of Chinese New Year and 100 more general vocabulary words. 4 mini-grids are included for teachers who are trying to cut back on photocopying costs The file includes • a “how to play” guide • a full colour puzzle • 4 mini-grids for teachers trying to cut back on photocopying • a thematic vocabulary • the answer key • la fiche, Comment jouer, qui explique les règles du jeu en français. • and links to 3 other very worthwhile resources on the same theme